When the grief waves hit

  • When the grief waves hit
    When the grief waves hit

To say I have been through a lot recently would be an understatement. In the last nine months, I have lost two very important people in my life. Over the course of my lifetime, there have been many more that I have lost. If there is one thing I have learned from all of the loss, it is that every loss and ever season of grief is different, yet they are all the same.

Some days, everything is fine. You are coasting along, feeling good about the progress you have made. Others, it is as if you are back at rock bottom.

Grief is a funny thing...you never know when it’s going to hit you, or how. Sometimes, to is something that reminds you of past memories, or things that hold a special place in your heart. But others come from no where, with no known connection at all, bit still take you down.

The funny thing about grief is that it hits us all in different ways. And sometimes, the only thing you can do is stand in your driveway and cry. And it is then that you realize it is not as far away as you might think. A smell, a sound, a thought is sometimes all it takes.

The fact of the matter is that no matter when noir how it hits, it will hit. Some days, it will hit as a whisper, reminding you of the good times. Other will be a vicious punch to the gut, showing its face as anger and ugly tears. And both are OK.

It hits different first everyone, but it still hits. Days. Weeks. Months. Even years afterwards, grief will hit you, sometimes when you least expect it. And when it hits, you have to hit back. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, wipe your tears and dust yourself off. For you are stronger than the fire sent to burn you; when it hits, you hit back.