Is the “selfie phenomena” taking over?


From My Perspective

  • Is the “selfie phenomena” taking over?
    Is the “selfie phenomena” taking over?

Ok, so I have admitted in previous columns that I am a Facebook junkie. When I cannot sleep, I check Facebook. When we are in the car, and my husband is driving, I am on Facebook! And Facebook is an integral part of how I keep up with my some of my family. Being on Facebook a lot means I see a TON of the ever-so popular “selfie” phenomena. And you know, “selfies” are a lot like this column. They are the subjects perspective of themselves.

I have never been one to take a selfie. I will admit it… the few I have attempted looked like they were straight out of some horror show! I have never felt I took great pictures anyway, much less while extending my arm straight out and attempting to get the “just-right” look on my face. If I try to smile, I look like a goofy little kid. If I try and not smile, I look like someone just took my dog! So, for all those checking my page after reading this, you will not find any selfies there!

Most of the selfies, if you look at them, focus on one person. That one person, typically, is doing one of a few things. They are either making the proverbial “duck-lip” face, showing off a baby bump, or showing off those ripped muscles! Many times, especially in the “duck-lip” variety, the viewer will usually show more than they intend, due to the angle of the camera! (At least, I hope they don’t intend to show all that!) And the men who assume the “selfie position,” end up showing the world a lovely view of their bathroom in an attempt to look “cool.” I just don’t get it all!

As I scroll past all these interesting shots on Facebook, it has left me wondering. What do all of these self-centered (literally) photos say about our society? I believe it says that we have become more focused on self than anything else. Now, do not get me wrong, selfies are not wrong, and I do not believe that everyone who posts an abundance of these photos are self-centered, selfish people. Social media, electronics, and our society has made it more difficult to physically connect with people, and therefore, we see more people on their own or at least posting themselves alone.

I think it is time that we see fewer selfies and more “us-ies.” Who is with me? Let’s make an effort to take pictures with those we love. At the movies, at the park, or at the beach? I would bet money you are with someone who means SOMETHING to you. Share that with the world. Tell everyone how happy you are with the people in your life, because, I can guarantee you, they will not be there forever. And when they are gone, you will wish for one more time together; one more walk on the beach, one more movie night, one more opportunity to squeeze in close and take a picture. So, that is what I will do. I will document my life, goofy faces and all, with all those that I love. Then maybe, just maybe, we as a society will start seeing more of what is around us. So, my perspective, from now on, will be an “us-ie,” because life is too short to go about it duck-lipped and alone!