
If you look on the surface of things, life right now can seem kinda bleak. We are still living in the shadow of a virus that is killing people daily, impacting our life on every turn, and has the possibility of bringing our world to a complete shutdown. Again.

It seems like the costs of living an everyday life are rising faster than us normal, everyday folks can keep up with, and our dollars don’t seem to stretch nearly far enough.

But, don’t quit.

One of the most important people in my life reminded me of something this morning and pointed me in the direction of words that were much needed. In a short sermon preached by David Jeremiah came the words that inspired me, and reminded me, that this old world is not our home, we are just passing through. The trials, troubles and tribulations that we all have to deal with just to get through this life matter little in the scope of things to come. So many live lives today seemingly filled with

So many live lives today seemingly filled with loneliness. It might seem strange in this day and age where we have access to so many different ways to communicate with each other, but so many people I talk to tell me about how they feel lonely. That is a feeling that I have come to know quite well since the passing of my wife. Most folks have voids in their life that can’t be filled with social media, binge watching TV shows, or diving headlong into some detrimental vice.

Being lonely is never a good thing. It leads to all sorts of negative actions and casts a pall on life that is hard to lose. It can happen to all of us, and odds are that it does a lot more than most would be willing to admit. Luckily, there are so many ways to combat the feeling.

My days are always brightened when I get an email from Suzanne Brooke. Suzanne does a great job of letting us know when something good is happening around Mt. Pleasant and when an email pops in my inbox from her, there is going to be good news inside. It’s like opening a box of chocolate that is unidentified and you just have to take a bite to see how good it tastes. Suzanne’s emails are always like one of those sweet, creamy mint chocolates that are always my favs.

Likewise, when I hear from my new friend Loren Rivera over at Harts Bluff, or Lacy Robinson out at Chapel Hill, or any number of my new friends around the area that have been made since coming to the new office in Mt. Pleasant. I absolutely love hearing about all the great things going on around town and at our schools. With school starting, the fun is just beginning.

One thing we have to do in this fast paced, crazy world we live in is to remember to stop and smell the roses, take time to enjoy the good things, and most of all, spend time with our families. The best cure for feeling lonely is simply to realize, we are never really alone.

David Jeremiah quoted a verse this morning that really hits home. He read from Isaiah 43 and the line that really summed it all up for me, and hopefully you too, were the words of God saying, “I have summoned you by name, you are mine.”

We are never alone.