A Football Mother’s Prayer


From My Perspective

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Author Unknown In the fall, it is time for the football season. Mothers go to the game, but for one reason. What is the reason? Let there be no denial. It’s to see if her son gets up from the pile.

Oh, she may have lots of pep, and do all the cheers, and she hasn’t missed a game in many a year. But she doesn’t do it just to keep in style, It’s to see if her son gets up from the pile. She keeps track of the score and acts very alert, Wondering how to get bloodstains out of his shirt. She always sits on her seat, right at the aisle, Just in case he doesn’t get up from the pile. When the whistle blows, she strains her eyes, For the jersey number she’s memorized. She’ll sit quite still, heart stopped all the while, Til’ she sees that number come up from the pile! She’ll stand and shout, “My son stopped the play!”

“Sit down, dear, he clipped,” is all Dad can say. She may not know a punt from a telephone dial, But she knows when her son gets up from the pile! Good ol’ mom, she’s a dear, and your best fan, But you’ll be her little boy even when you’re a man. She makes all your games, you think with a smile Just to see if “her baby” gets up from the pile.

Editor’s Note: The 2022 High School football regular season is quickly winding down. With just one game left in the regular season, some mother’s will have the pleasure of continuing to watch their son continue through the playoffs, while other will soon have witnessed their son’s final game.

As a mother of a senior football player, I can tell you this season has been unlike any other. All of us mothers have sat through rain, cold, and worse just to make sure our “son gets up from the pile.” So, when see us football moms after a game, whether it is our last game or our team is heading to the playoffs, be kind. Remember that our heart is on the field, and we have spent the majority of each game, every week, making sure he “got up from the pile.”

To the boys whose mothers walked them across the field on their senior night…forgive us when we shed a tear or two after each game, because we have watched as the game you have loved turned you into a man. There may still be times in life where you will feel like you are on the bottom of the pile, but rest assured, mom will be there, making sure “her baby” gets up from the pile.