Pewitt CISD voters to decide fate of school bond


Pewitt CISD voters will have the opportunity to decide on a bond in the upcoming municipal election. The bond election was announced by the district via social media on March 2.

The Pewitt CISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to call a bond election for May 6, in the amount of $17,000,000 during their Jan. 19 meeting. The bond includes a 45,000 square foot newly constructed elementary building, new covered walkway connection from elementary to existing gym, new visitor parking area, and new parent pick up and drop off.

“We look forward to replacing a 73-year-old building that has served us well. Pewitt Elementary has been a wonderful place to educate our students. We are thankful that we’ve been able to continue to use the space for 70 plus years,” added Melissa Reid, Pewitt CISD Superintendent.

The bond was initiated in 2020 when the district hired Godwin Design Architects, PLLC to conduct a facilities assessment of all district buildings. After the assessment was complete, a committee consisting of board members, district and campus level administrators, and teachers was formed. This committee spent years researching and prioritizing facility needs of the district.

If the bond passes, the following phase plan will be put into place to continue to address the needs of the district. The phases will be evaluated every eight to ten years. Phase I - New Elementary Construction Phase II - Jr. High Construction/Secondary Cafeteria, Auditorium, Library/Gym Phase III - High School Construction/High School Gym Phase IV- Multi-Purpose/Field House/Ag Building/ Band Hall/Kindergarten Building As a result of conservative fiscal management and retiring of the old debt, the bond program will result in a tax increase of approximately 26 cents. For a homeowner of a $100,000 house, this equates to approximately $13.40 a month. The election will be held on May 6. Early voting will begin on April 24 and end May 2 at the Pewitt Administration Office from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.