Learn about prescription drug and alcohol safety during March and April


Pain is overwhelming, making it hard to carry out small everyday tasks. About three out of four older adults will experience chronic pain, and a high percentage of these older adults will be prescribed opioids to manage their pain. There are two national observances in March and April that highlight prescription drug and alcohol safety.

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW) is March 20–26, which is a time to participate in active dialogue about the negative impact of alcohol and drugs.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), about one in eight children (8.7 million) age 17 and younger have at least one parent who has a substance misuse issue. Communities can visit the NDAFW website to create and register for events and connect with NIDA staff for assistance.

April 22 is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, which is a day when people are urged to return their unused medication in a safe, convenient and responsible manner for disposal to help reduce the potential for medication misuse.

The Drug Enforcement Administration provides year-round drop off locations for the public in local pharmacies for safe disposal of pharmaceuticals. For information on local sites, resources and public service announcements, visit the Take Back Day website.

In addition to these two national observances, it is important to understand the age-specific risks and effects associated with taking opioid medications. Older adults taking opioids are four to five times more likely to fall than those taking over the counter medications. They are also at an increased risk for developing opioid misuse issues.

If substance misuse is a concern, regional Outreach, Screening, Assessment and Referral (OSAR) programs are available. OSAR programs are a helpful starting point for people looking for substance misuse services but are unsure where to begin.

People interested in OSAR programs must reside in Texas. Immediate, confidential help is available 24/7. Search for OSAR service locations online or contact 211 Texas by calling 2-1-1 or 877-541-7905.

When falls are a concern, call your local Aging and Disability Resource Center at 855-937-2372 and ask about fall prevention classes and resources to help reduce the risk of falling. Consider starting a regular exercise program for strengthening and helping with balance and fall prevention. Call 800-889-8595 to request a free Texercise handbook to help you exercise and live a healthy lifestyle.

Visit the Texas Targeted Opioid Response website to learn how Texas is addressing the opioid crisis with prevention, treatment and recovery support services.