Destiny Dimensions

  • Destiny

God has always longed for His people to have their heart completely submitted to Him. The Lord wants us to allow our roots to run deep wherever He has planted us. The enemy always tries to get us to be double minded and not let our roots run too deep. The enemy likes for us to always want to jump from one place to another and be wishywashy. But God is looking for a man or woman who will submit to the destiny He has laid before them, and completely throw their life into the call that God has for them. When you completely surrender to the ways of the Lord, you will experience a greater dimension of the presence, power & authority of God. The enemy will always come at you but when you fully resist the devil, the Word says he will flee from you. Many times people will not fully resist the devil. It may not look like blatant sin but you may be compromising in a few areas or becoming complacent in a few spots. If the devil can I get you to backslide, he will delay your destiny. He will try to make you tired and weary. But the enemy’s greatest trick is to keep you out of your daily personal time with God.

Whenever we back off from the things of God, the enemy will always have a string to pull or foothold he will try to ensnare you with. When we are fully committed and submitted to God, we purposely resist the devil and he flees from us. The devil never goes to war where there are no spoils. If the enemy sees that there is no open-door that he can enter in someone’s life, he will try to go to through someone else.

Let me challenge you today, where are you on the journey toward your God-given destiny? Maybe today you need to make a fresh commitment to the Lord and apply your life to all that He has called you to. Maybe you need to verbally resist the devil, serve the enemy his eviction notice in all of your thoughts and actions. Today do whatever it takes to get back on the road toward your destiny. This is a new season for you! Start walking closer to God daily and you will reach your God-given destiny.

‘‘ Therefore submit to God. ‘‘ Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

James 4:7 (NKJV)